Tomato 'San Marzano'

Tall vines produce heavy yields of long, cylindrical fruit. Delicious, balanced acidic flavor, and meaty flesh makes for good sauce. Fruits avg. 5-6 oz. The most famous plum tomato for making sauce, the San Marzano is preferred by Gourmet Chefs and Cooks all over the world. Plants are vigorously and grow quite tall, 6-7 feet.

Plant in full sun in soil that has been amended with compost and a good organic vegetable fertilizer that is not too high in nitrogen. Support these heavily bearing plants with a sturdy tomato cage. Multiple plants need at least 3 ft. space between them.

Harvest when fruit are fully red and slightly soft to the touch. Use to make a great sauce or tomato paste, and they may also be canned. Try slicing in half and sprinkling with dried herbs, sea salt, drizzled with olive oil then baked.

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