Eggplant 'Kermit'

This eggplant variety grows great in containers or in a garden bed. Compact, well-branched plant with a prolific set of small, round fruits, avg. 1½-2" in diameter. White blossom end with a deep green, striped shoulder. Firm flesh holds up well in curries.

Eggplants want full sun and very warm conditions for best production. Plant them in a deep garden container with fresh potting soil. Feed with a liquid vegetable fertilizer every few weeks, vegetables grown in containers need extra fertilizer and water. Or in the garden, amend soil with plenty of compost and a good organic vegetable fertilizer. Space plants 1.5 feet apart and water regularly. Support these heavy bearing plants with a tomato cage or sturdy stakes.

Harvest when fruits are young, before seeds get too mature. Use in any of your favorite eggplant recipes like stir-fry or curry.

Alpine Strawberries 'Yellow Wonder'

Alpine strawberries are extremely easy to grow, and produce many fragrant and sweet 1 inch long berries all season long. They form small, mounding plants that do not send out runners like other strawberries. The small white flowers are followed by light yellow fruits with the flavor of pineapple.

Plant in full sun to partial shade in soil amended with compost and a good all purpose fertilizer. Water regularly throughout the warm season. These make great container plants and look nice along garden borders as edible landscape plants.

Harvest the berries when berries and pale yellow and slightly soft to the touch.

Alpine Strawberry 'Red Wonder'

Alpine strawberries are extremely easy to grow, and produce many fragrant and sweet 1 inch long berries all season long. They form small, mounding plants that do not send out runners like other strawberries. The small white flowers are followed by bright red fruits.

Plant in full sun to partial shade in soil amended with compost and a good all purpose fertilizer. Water regularly throughout the warm season. These make great container plants and look nice along garden borders as edible landscape plants.

Harvest the berries when fully red and slightly soft to the touch. The taste is often much sweeter than the larger strawberries.