Heirloom Tomato 'Costoluto Genovese'

This is an old Italian heirloom that has been around since the early 19th century. Fruit are rather flattened and quite attractive with their deep ribs. This variety is a standard in Italy for both fresh eating and preserving. It’s intensely flavorful with deep red flesh. The flavor is high in sugar, but also high in acid, making for outstanding taste that's wonderful fresh or made into sauces. Indeterminate. 80 days. These large plants grow to 6-7 feet tall and are vigorous and disease resistant.

Plant in full sun in soil that is amended with compost and an organic fertilizer that is not too high in nitrogen. Support these large plants with tall tomato cages and space plants at least 3 feet apart.

Harvest when fruits are fully red and slightly soft to the touch. The tomatoes are great eaten raw right out of the garden. They are also tasty in salads and make a great pasta sauce.

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