Pumpkin 'Jarrahdale'

Lovely and decorative, its silvery bluish-grey color and drum shape with deep ribbing make it perfect for ornamental autumn displays. Carve it or bake it like any other squash. Its golden to orange colored flesh is nutty, sweet, and stringless. 6 to 12 pound fruits with long storage capability. Comes to us from the town of Jarrahdale in New Zealand. 100 days.

Plant these large vines in full sun, in soil amended with compost and a good vegetable fertilizer. Give them plenty of space, each plant needs about 5-6 feet.

Harvest pumpkins before the first fall frost, and when foliage has begun to dry out. Cut stem with a knife, leaving 3” - 4” of stem on the pumpkin. They are great for making amazing pumpkin and blended pumpkin soup. Treat them as you would any winter squash for cooking.

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